Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Ying and Yang Subverted

OK. So a friend of mine sent me this the other day. It's called The Awful Truth. Funny eh? I found it hilarious. While I am (not) of the opinion that all men are bullied by their crotches, I do agree that this photo gives a more or less accurate portrayal of the discrepancies between the male and female dispositions. The subverted ying and yang thing got me thinking as there any significance to the fact that the woman is portrayed in white, the conventional colour of purity/innocence; and the man is portrayed as the wicked voldermort in black. Are women really so innocent and are men really so evil? You can bring this topic up next time you go down the pub with your mates and watch as the opinion line divides the group in two, hahaha.

Nevertheless, I thought I'd file it in my MC's Crimewatch - Girls against Goons section. Like I said (maybe) not all men are one track minded, but keep this image in your head to guard you pschologically, sublimally, subconsciously against the ones that are.

And can take a joke right? x

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