Thursday, 26 March 2009

I Want You Back

One of the first things you learn about being a grown-up, is that a deal is a deal. Contracts are binding. Try wriggling out of your mobile phone contract, or telling your estate agent that you'd like to move out before your agreed tenancy is up. Try telling your internet service provider that you don't want their services anymore; or next time you're at an auction, place a bid on something and then when it comes time to cough up, tell them you've changed your mind and see what happens.

What happens is YOU PAY! Yes, it will cost you in the long run if you try to back out of a contract once it's been signed.

It appears that the nature of our dear darling Michael Jackson's blissful oblivion to the usual rights of passage into adulthood is much larger than previously thought. After signing a deal with Julien's Auctions and allowing hardcore fans to salivate over the prospect of owning his sequined socks, say, or gaming machines from Neverland or artworks by himself and friend Macaulay Culkin...after all the excitement and hype, Michael has decided that actually, he wants all his stuff back. Yes he does now, ooh ooh baby!

Sorry MJ, but that's the shakes. Especially when the auction house has incurred production and marketing costs. Whether you just genuinely changed your mind, or whether you fancied yourself a bit of a smooth criminal who could pull off a pretend auction as a publicity stunt, the fact is you signed on the dotted line. Let your stuff be auctioned and Give in to it! It's not as though you're not on a mission to regain you billionaire status. Think of how that money money money will make you feel...


Anonymous said...

I herald the returen of O thou the most excellent Emz.....blogger extraordinaire!

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