Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

I was sitting at my desk minding my own business when reception called to say I had a package. Turned out to be a massive bunch of flowers, those lovely long necked lillies, no less, which I happen to love. They always make the room smell so good! You naughty people that sent em, you know who you are, thank you, thank you, thank you. You really what-did-you-doed-me (inside joke, never mind if you don't get it...). I forgive you for the embarassment of staggering all the way from reception with flowers eclipsing my face and all the curious stares.

And then, an email went round, announcing that I've been upgraded from intern to actual employee. Am I happy or what? I guess it doesn't suck so much to have to work on your birthday when good stuff just keeps pouring in. Now I really have something to celebrate this weekend. Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

How nice! Mine is on Sept 16th. Can you please have them send me some flowers too...?

Emz said...

I can send you virtual/mental flowers..does that count? LOL. Happy bday in advance, will try and drop by your blog on the day to say hi!!

Atutupoyoyo said...

Happy belated birthday Emz.

How old are we now? How old are we now?

Ekoakete said...

Happy Birthday! We wish you, many hapy returns, of tha day...

UndaCovaSista said...

Happy bye day to you. Happy bye day to you. Happy bye day dear emz.....

Sounds like you had a good day. Many happy returns

Anonymous said...

happy birthday gorgeous... hope you had a great time...

Emz said...

Aww thanks everyone, very sweet of you...I had a v good day!!

Femme said...

happy birthday!

Jaja said...

Late again..

Happy birthday..
What do you want? My cam..

About the Inheritance of Loss, Hmmm i m not done yet...

I will surely tell u about it..


Admin UD said...

happy buffday, someone sent me here, still tryin to find out why? l8r. Cheers!

Atutupoyoyo said...

Emz you have gone a bit quiet o. Want to know if that manuscript ever got posted.....

Anonymous said...

wonderful to see a picture of the flowers...They are much bigger than expected! Glad you enjoyed them and it added to your enjoyment of your day.....Wistfully I look into the distance and proclaim... It was a blessed day when you made your appearance on planet earth. God was in His heavens smiling, bees were buzzing, goats were bleating and generators in Naija were belting out toxic fumes!...Legacy

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